Hours & Services
Please book at least 24 hours in advance.
9 am - 1:30 pm
9:00 am- 9:00pm
1:00 pm- 9:00pm
The Orchard will not be open on most major holidays including:
Christmas Eve/Christmas Day
New Years Eve/New Years Day
Individual Session
$35.00 per hour
Individual sessions are defined as newborn, maternity, head shots, family, senior portraits, and mini-sessions with up to six people. Clientele times must be staggered or session falls under group pricing. Any more than six including secondary photographers, assistants and onlookers arriving anytime during your scheduled session is categorized as a group and falls under group pricing.
Group Session
$60.00 per hour
Group sessions are defined as large family portrait sessions, reunion sessions and sports team sessions where participants have the same arrival time. Covers families and groups of seven to 15 persons including; photographers, assistants, makeup artists and additional guests.
Lg Group Session
$150.00 per hour
Large group session are defined as any real or staged classes, workshops, seminars, ceremonies, between 16 and 45 participants with the same arrival time. Due to added labor and parking, please contact us for additional logistics information for scheduled events at least one week prior to event.
Basic Photography Lesson
Are you new to photography and would like a private instructor to answer all of your questions in real time? Schedule time with photographer Guido Locati at The Orchard Studio for a basic photography lesson! Concepts include camera and lens audit and explanation, aperture, shutter speed, on and off camera flash, and depth of field.
Are you an intermediate photographer and a bit more clarification on some techniques? Are you wondering what you are missing on photographic theory? He can answer your questions on studio equipment, lighting and ratios, modifier considerations and more in-depth exposure theory.